फ़रवरी 6, 2025


Your Window to the World

Bengaluru Highway Tragedy

Bengaluru Highway Tragedy

Bengaluru Highway Tragedy: Six Lost as Container Truck Flies off the Road Bengaluru

Bengaluru Highway Tragedy: Six Lost as Container Truck Flies off the Road Bengaluru: Six persons have been killed in a shocking accident on the National Highway that connects to the national capital near Nelamangala, after a truck lost control and fell onto a Volvo XC90 car and a two-wheeler. The horrific accident has come in the form of a video recorded by CCTV that has shocked all.

The accident has once more brought to the fore concerns over heavy vehicles on highways, which have raised more questions about safety. This footage shows how commuters are caught off guard without having time to react or getting out of the way before the collision.

After the incident, Bengaluru District Police issued alerts regarding the traffic congestion in the locality and requested the drivers to be more careful. Besides that, the authorities believe that if the rules for road safety are followed, it will prevent such incidents in the future.

This is a wake-up call for more stringent regulations and greater vigilance on highways to avoid such mishaps and save all the commuters.